Barsko zlato®
Golden product of Montenegrin olive oil production


“Barska uljara” Ltd. is well-known Montenegrin factory for olive oil production with the highest processing capacity, famous for the production of the first Montenegrin extra-virgin olive oil called “Barsko zlato” or „Gold of Bar“. It is the only company in Montenegro that offers a complete service in both primary and secondary olive sector – from planting and maintenance of olive groves, towards olive fruit processing, storage and packaging of olive oil, olive oil organoleptic assessment and quality control, following the most contemporary and professional technologies, accompanied by the highest work precision and efficiency.

The innovative step forward that „Barska uljara“ Ltd. made in both agricultural and technological areas led to a turning point in the olive oil sector of Montenegro as well as the high positioning of this branch in the agro-economy of Montenegro.

“Barska uljara“ Ltd. – dictates the trends at the olive oil market of Montenegro.

Our products

“Barska uljara” Ltd. has revived the centennial and millennial olive groves at the Montenegrin coast throughout the production of Barsko zlato®, by exclusively processing the fruits of the autochthonous olive variety called Žutica, harvested at the stage of an optimal ripeness, that has been cultivated in Bar since the ancient Greek civilization. Produced following the most contemporary technologies, in the largest and most modern olive oil mill in Montenegro, exclusively by the mechanical means of cold extraction, Barsko zlato® is by far the most award-winning Montenegrin olive oil and the first produced extra-virgin olive oil with protected trademark.

Extra virgin
olive oil


Extra virgin
olive oil Lux

Available volumes - Matt & gloss pack 750ml, 500ml i 250ml

Extra virgin
olive oil

Available volumes: 750 ml, 500 ml and 250 ml

olive oil

Available volumes: 750 ml, 500 ml and 250 ml

Virgin olive oil
with herbs

Available volume: 100 ml

Company news

Dear Customer,

We are honored to present to you the limited series of the Premium quality Barsko zlato® olive oil, officially the best extra-virgin olive oil in Montenegro!